Saturday, November 20, 2010

If I Dvr A Show Does It Count Toward The Ratings


Americans for the Arts, 2005

William Baumol, 1966
Cultural services as services "mixed"
Contribution of glamor
contribution in trade: tourism, shopping, hotels, etc..
enable future generations to train and assess.

impact studies
How much does a cultural event in an economy Local? : Culture as an economic investment
studies in the late 1970s (Hendon: Economic Evaluation )
Port Authority, New Jersey, 1983.
very old logic: "Stop the footsteps of the traveler"

classic example (Bilbao)
An overall plan to revitalize the city.
Basque Contribution: 132 million ( 84 million construction 36 million purchase works 12 million loan works Gugg.)
Revenues of 1300 M, 18 times the construction costs.
965,000 visitors including 579,000 foreigners in 2005.
165 million of direct and indirect revenues in 2005.
4893 employees maintained in 2005 and 4361 jobs created since the center; unemployment from 14.5% in 1995 to 9.5% in 2005

A simple logic
- Direct benefits (user spending, grants, endowments)
- Indirect benefits (hotels, restaurants, shops ...)
- Profits induced (spending the first two recipients of benefits)

The principle benefits induced
The multiplier (Keynesian):
A consumption expenditure generates more demand than the initial expenditure
( è expenditure) è employment è income ( è expenditure) è employment è
income ...
analysis debatable

Avignon (1986)
Of conclusions to be handled with caution
Over 300 pages: a strong argument
little lesson in propaganda ...
Creed on: The economy is based on creativity
An efficient layout for fast
From a luxury to a necessary investment: demonstration

What concerns the public
Type Public spending
Total revenue generated by the arts industry and culture
The share of tourism in the audience
The cultural tourist , an investment that pays more ...
Calculate yourself the impact of your city!

  • method of investigation
  • categories included in the survey
organization survey self-administered, by email
Survey on the public (art patrons!) Self-administered

"It's good, you can be sure, but everyone does not agree, and anyway, you'll notice that many economists "!

The multiplier
The multiplier: a method challenged by improved
But where is the input-output matrix which has its calculation?
logic reasonable to consider different multipliers, depending on the cities
; approximations for the aggregation and evaluation of the multiplier (services)

levels of approximation (and potential errors)
Selection of the 156 cities and regions (representative?)
responses by email of organizations (12.6% to 86% response rate), consider themselves their total audience)
responses of the hearing to the questionnaire (100/66.000 = 0.15% or 820/1.686.000 = 0.04%): representative?
calculations multiplier
estimate for the entire hearing
Rating for all U.S.

What risks?
The main reason funding becomes economic performance is judged on this principle.
In case of deficit, the market rules are different from those of cultural organizations: the disappearance

Port Museum Douarnez
Douarnez, 17,000 inhab.
Opening in 1993 (1985)
Company mixed economy (city, NMR, etc.).
11M Construction
Receivership; resumed negotiations and failure è governance
; (Tobelem)


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