Tuesday, November 2, 2010

African Womens Vajina

1. Industrial production of cultural goods

Max Horkheimer
Theodor W. Adorno
The dialectic of reason
Paris, Gallimard, 1974 (tr. fr.)

Cultural industries views per Wikipedia
French Version
In economy, the concept Industry Cultural means all firms producing in ways industrial goods whose essential value lies in their symbolic content: books, music, movies, television, radio, video games, mass tourism.
In philosophy (aesthetics) and sociology of culture first, then information sciences and communication, the concept of cultural industry, the first French translation of the German expression Kulturindustrie (TW Adorno and Max Horkheimer), has a critical dimension and opened an interdisciplinary field which questioned the vision and the commodification of popular culture-industrialized-media and large media groups.

English Version
According To International Organizations Such as UNESCO & the General Agreement Tariffs and Trade is (GATT), cultural industries (sometimes also known as " creative industries ") combine the creation, production, and distribution of goods and services that are cultural in nature and usually protected by intellectual property rights.
        The notion of cultural industries generally includes textual, music , television , and film production and publishing , as well as crafts and design. For some countries, architecture , the visual and performing arts , sport , advertising , and cultural tourism may be included as adding value to the content and generating values for individuals and societies.

Théodore W. Adorno 1903-1969

        German philosopher and musicologist
Meeting with Berg and Schoenberg
; Meet Benjamin Horkeimer
The " School Frankfurt "and the Institut für Sozialforschung
Commitment Marxist
1933: Hitler
1934: departure to London then New York (1938)
Collaboration with Horkeimer and the Institute for Social Research on the Dialectic of reason
1943: U.S. citizen
; 1949: Back in Germany
Replacing the Institute for Social Research, Development School Frankfurt
A fundamental criticism in the postwar period, and then challenged in 1968-69

The dialectic of Reason
From the Enlightenment at Auschwitz;
The destructive aspect of progress;
- The concept of Enlightenment
- Industrial production of cultural goods; Reason and mystification of the masses .
- elements of anti-Semitism. Limits Reason.

Quotes from the book

"According to sociologists, the loss of support traditionally offered an objective religion, the disintegration of the last residue precapitalist, technical and social differentiation and extreme specialization have made the cultural sector chaos. This argument is belied by the facts every day. For the present civilization gives quite a resemblance. Film, radio and magazines make up a system. " (129)

"The film and radio need no longer pretend to be art. They are nothing more than business: it is their truth and their ideology that they deliberately use "(130).

"Nowadays, technical rationality is the rationality of domination itself. It is the coercive nature of society alienated, cars, bombs and movies ensure the cohesion of the system until their function smoothing, affects the same injustice that she favored "(130).

"From the beginning of a movie, you know how it ends" (134)

"We forgive Orson Welles all violations tricks of the trade because all these inaccuracies calculated only confirm and strengthen the validity of the system "(138)

"Until Schönberg and Picasso, the great artists have retained their mistrust of style and when critical issues were involved, they have done less than the required style object logic , "(139)

" The culture industry remains the entertainment. "(145)
" In advanced capitalism, the fun is extension of the work. He is wanted by those who want to escape the process of automated work to be again able to confront it. "(145)

" In the cartoon, Donald Duck gets his ration of blows as the unfortunate in real life, so that viewers get used to those they receive themselves. "(147)

" ideology lurks in the calculation of probabilities " (154)

"The industry is interested in the man that as a customer and employee and has effectively reduced the whole of humanity - like each of its elements - in this comprehensive formula. , "(155)

" The cultural industries tend to embody authoritative statements and thus appear as the prophet of the existing order. "(156)

"But the low price luxury goods series and its complement, the universal scam, is changing the character of goods of art itself. What is new is not that art is a commodity, but today it is recognized as such deliberately, and that it denies its own autonomy in ranking among consumer goods gives its charm to this novelty. "(165-166)

" By assimilating completely necessary, the artwork in advance prevents the man from release the principle of utility, then it should allow for this release yet. "(167)

" The abolition of a privileged culture definitely does not introduce the masses Undercutting spheres in which they were previously excluded, but results precisely in the present social conditions, the decline of culture and advancing the inconsistency in the barbaric mind. "(169)

"Advertising becomes art par excellence with which Goebbels had already identified, art for art, advertising itself, pure representation of social power. "(171-172)


"What we call culture, it is this mysterious force things much earlier and much deeper than we and are our highest relief in the modern world, against the power dream factories "(Malraux, 1966)


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