William Baumol, 1966
The issue of productivity
• Labour productivity (output per hour work )
- Ex: number of hours / people needed to produce X
- Ex: Smith pin factory
- f (organization, machinery, etc.).
• Increased productivity: Δ Prod . = Prod. t2 - Prod. t1
• a surplus can be distributed
- ; employees (higher wages, bonus, promotion, reduction of working hours ...)
- the company (Increase of capital, investment financing),
- to shareholders (dividend increases)
- consumers (lower prices).
Increase productivity by
• Augmentation capital/travailleur,
• Amélioration technologie,
• Amélioration formation/qualification,
• Amélioration management,
• Economies of scale
structure of the book by Baumol
A. The general context
1. organizations orchestras, theater commercial, off-Broadway theater (small), regional theater, opera, dance
- Number
- geographic dispersion
2. The "cultural explosion" in the early 1960s: increasing cultural consumption (?), Cultural centers, cultural spending
3. the public: an analysis of socio-economic groups attending arts
- Education higher than the average level
- higher incomes than the population
4. The artist, composer, choreographer ...
- Income Level / Other professions: artists and art teachers in 28th position, 40th rank musicians, dancers at the 48th ...
- Analysis of Income performers
5. State financial organizations
6. Revenue and deficit
7. Contributions to cover the difference in revenue / income gap
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