Sunday, November 14, 2010

Competitors Analysis Of Beauty Salon

The performance process: strategy, objectives, indicators

1. Brief history of strategy

Henri Fayol, Industrial and General Administration , 1916
Five functions of the manager
- ; Welfare,
- Organization
- ; Command,
- Coordination
- Control
U.S. 1960s: the beginning of management in NPOs
external (McKinsey) or internal
Tasks: buildings, exhibitions, etc..

oil shocks 1974 - 1979
The coming managers
Depression and poor Management:
- CA
- little interest or training
- Organization uncoordinated units
- maladjustment change
- fundraising,
- marketing
- strategic planning

What planning?
From: budget planning
; Changes:
- external environment
- increased competition
; The management of change

Some idea of cultural organizations
Ex College of indicators listed by the Audit Commission, The Road to Wigan Pier, 1991
1. Quality of life
2. Promoting tourism
3. Promoting local development
4. Support to knowledge and education
5. Heritage Conservation and witnesses local history

2. A climate-based criticism of public management

A public power to benefit groups (selfish) that control it:
- ; the East and West
- Greed (avarice): main engine

- Public Choice (Buchanan and Tullock) public areas according to the interests of each ( vote).
- Rent Seeking : Behavior of pension groups.

Review cultural manager
Maximizing its budget
- ; no redistribution of dividends:
- Increased quantities
- ; Inflation of costs and quality policy
Location suboptimal

Ex: an analysis of extreme museums (Grampp, 1989)
Museums mismanaged because they are financed by government
should privatize ;
- less capital, works best, most popular exhibitions, better attendance,
- ; everyone would be happier (except conservatives).
Making up the powers of the state market
To work as a state enterprise who are accountable to shareholders.
The shareholder: the citizen who pays his taxes

3. The State therefore accountable ...

Declaration of Human Rights and the Citizen 1789

Article 14
All citizens have the right to ascertain, by themselves or by their representatives, the necessity of the contribution public, to consent freely, to follow the manual and determine the amount, basis, collection and duration.
Article 15
The company has the right to require of every public official of his administration.

è "These principles inform directly the provisions of the Organic Law on Budget Acts of 1 August 2001 relating to performance measurement"

one logical means to logical results

LOLF (organic law on finance laws) (Report 2005)
" Reform already bearing fruit in terms of governance, in terms of clarity and accountability of the actors'
"The new structure of public policy missions, programs and activities has increased their readability "
Recommendations: Extend a gradual and appropriate principles LOLF beyond the state.

4. A classic pattern

strategic vision in an organization
  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Environmental study and diagnosis
  3. Goals and Objectives
  4. Action Plan
  5. Resource Allocation
  6. Implementation
  7. Rating

32 missions, 123 programs

What indicators?
Face of specific designs
differences of opinion between manager and artists or scientists
The Exterior incompetent?
- "difficult or impossible to compare the performance of different institutions' (?)
- an appraiser "external" (an invader) is not adequate knowledge to judge the merits of a policy

5. What that performance?

Performance ( Treasury )
Empr. in Engl. performance "performance, execution, real results."
1. Aged. [Term turf; Gen. in plur. ] All results horse racing racetracks, and P. ext., success in a race.
2. result obtained by (an) athlete, a team in a sporting event, and P. ext., sporting achievement.
3. P. Anal., Gen. in plur. Indications figures, curves on the mechanical properties (strength, speed, battery life) of a vehicle or the possibility of theft of an airplane.
B. P. ext.
1. success of a person, action, exhibition, interpretation requiring exceptional skills.
2. yield, high reliability and exceptional machine, object, material.

If "profit is the quality"
performance, effectiveness and efficiency, to overcome the notion of profit
Top XX (U.S.) education.
• Not directly / / market
Problem quantitative.

6. The "culture mission" in 2011
848 331 458 868 272 839 753 135 807 736 865 807

Permissions commitment
Transmission of knowledge and the democratization of culture
1 106 542 058

Projects annual performance Culture

A Mission Culture:

"Since its inception in 1959, the Ministry of Culture and Communication's mission is to make them accessible to as many major works of humanity, to encourage the creation of works of art and spirit as well as development practices and arts education. "

Declination of mission objectives

• Protect, conserve and enhance cultural heritage (program 175)
• Support for artistic creation (program 131)
• The development and regulation of the economy of culture, cultural industries and communication (224 program )


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