Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Directtransition3d Xtra

7. Awards, Success and Aesthetic Quality in the Arts

evaluate talent

The role of the expert

What relation to the price? Can we quantify ?

Roger de Piles (1635-1709)
Libra painters: an exercise widely criticized ...
" ; clumsy attempt "or" product of the authentically French spirit "(Schlosser);
"erroneous educational reasons" (Venturi),
"aberration notorious" (Gombrich);
"extravagant idea" or "scholastic pedantry" (Bazin).
... But taken seriously in the 18th century

Hume and the "test of time"
From the standard and taste
"The same Homer who pleased at Athens and Rome two thousand years ago is still admired in Paris and London. All changes of climate, government, religion and language have not come to obscure his glory. Authority or prejudice may well give a temporary vogue to a bad poet, or a bad speaker, but his reputation will never be lasting or widespread. "
"It appears that, in the middle of the variety and caprice of taste, there are some general principles of approbation or blame which a careful eye can find influence in all operations of the mind. "

A famous case
JL Ernest Meissonier and academic
Murakami Will he become famous?
In criminology: the work of Bertillon

decorative arts: a experimental aesthetics

Mathematical analysis and econometrics
An important area of research in cultural economics


Econometrics is concerned with the tasks of developing and applying quantitive or statistical methods to the study and elucidation of economic principles.
Econometrics combines economic theory with statistics to analyze and test economic relationships.
Theoretical econometrics considers questions about the statistical properties of estimators and tests, while applied econometrics is concerned with the application of econometric methods to assess economic theories.   (Wikipedia (FR))

type uses
Linking economic theory and verification empirical (not to experiment)
Check independence or correlation among several variables
determine a relationship between one or more variables (linear and nonlinear)
Predict and calculate based on the results
è Calculate the value of options, predict the impact of economic policies

Ex uses cultural
Expertise: estimating the cost of a table (DB: market art) as a function of its size, renowned artist, genre, etc..
correlation between the balance of painters (Battery), the size of its records and Abstract the Royal Collection
Response of a museum about the importance of its mission according to its size, its budget, attendance, etc..

Basic questions section
Ruling experts and success Financial cultural product Are they related?
Over time ( test of time ), trial experts is he still relevant?


Oscars, Golden Globes, etc..
Three lists recent to judge the "quality"
Failing box office: Paid by theaters rentals

A central problem
Find relevant information
- ; Check sources
- find enough data
- for a sufficiently long period
- comparable data
Ex: take account of inflation and number of copies ( rentals ): ranking where the first of each year is 100.
è A principle similar to indicators

Three relations
Relationship of public success (box office) Oscar
Relationship of box office success to persistence, in time, quality
relation to the success of box office at the Oscars and the persistence of current quality

The correlation : the intensity of the relationship that can exist between two variables
Equation 1
- ; box office hits =
- Explanatory Variables: Oscar winners and nominees
- Very significant
Equation 2
- box office hits =
- Explanatory variables: presence in one, two or three current lists of the best films
- Relatively significant
Equation 3
- box office success =
- Explanatory Variables: Oscar winners and nominees, presence in one, two or three lists
- ; Significant for an Oscar, at least for the appointment or presence in the three lists, not for the presence in a list
- The Fisher test, or test F, is a statistical hypothesis test that tests the equality of two variances (a measure characterizing the dispersion of a distribution or a sample )

Some simple statistics
65% of films that appear in one of three lists received an Oscar, but only 26% appear in all three lists.
better than Golden Globes, National Board of Review or NY Film Critics Circles
Problem Oscars: one year

The book

Booker Prize: a prize English, established in 1969, 3 5 nominees, one or two elected

indicators of success and quality
Number editions during the 10 years
Explanatory variables: age of the author and nb books before price
Quality: nb editions between 11 and 20 years after
Nb other books written after

Three relationships
The book's success as a function of his appointment or his victory
The variation of the book's success (or victory appointment) during the first ten years
; The success of the author's time

; The correlation : the intensity of the relationship that can exist between two variables
Equation 1
- success of the book (nb ed.) =
- Explanatory Variables: winners and nominees price
- insignificant
Equation 2
- success of the book (nb ed.) =
- Explanatory Variables: Number of years since appointment, all books, only for the winners
- Negatively correlated, but significant
Equation 3
- ; success of the book (nb ed.) =
- Explanatory Variables: winners and nominees price, number of years since appointment, number of editions from 11 to 20 years after the price, number of titles published prior to appointment, nb titles after.
- Relatively few significant
è little difference between the nominees and winners

The Queen Elisabeth Music Competition

The principle of competition
A very prestigious competition (piano, but violin, vocals)
A characteristic study of a contemporary concerto unknown for a week, presented by the 12 candidates selected.
Two candidates each night, drawn at random for one week deliberation at the end of the week.

A big surprise!
Ginsburgh and Van Ours show that the sequence of influence the final choice!

First spend less
The first of two passes less
è The jury should he "be the ear?
Database and indicators of success
132 finalists for the 11 competitions
Indicators of success
- presence of disks in three catalogs (1-3)
- Rating (0-4) by a panel of 12 contemporary criticism: scale from 0 to 48
Explanatory factors and other data: gender, nationality, age, time since the competition order performance, ranking in the final contest

The method of least squares, to compare experimental data (possible measurement errors) to a mathematical model intended to describe the data.
Tobit and Probit models : econometric models used to describe a relationship between a dependent variable and independent variable.
The dependent variable: success; Independent ranking in the competition
As grading is also dependent on the passage at the beginning or the end of the competition, beginning or end of the evening, Sex (0 or 1)
è order really affect the success


films with award (Oscar) è box office success
Not the case of books (bestsellers)
; A different procedure for music competitions,
è For All Three: Price (award) and distinctions have an impact on the success
è Over time, the quality is judged differently: the price (award) is not a good indicator of talent
è ; critics are fallible, but their reputation is not affected

methods based on complex the choice of indicators, so the data collection.
assumptions (the model rules of statistics, the choice of indicators) to keep always in mind.
Prestige econometrics
; Facility and risks of working with numbers ...

Next Course:

Maurice Levy and Jean-Pierre Jouyet The intangible economy , tomorrow's growth , 2006.
https: / / www.igf.minefi.gouv.fr / sections / reports / rapport_de_la_commis / view

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Smashbox Makeup Vs Make Up Forever

6. The generosity of the French Arts & Economic Prosperity

1. The gift: a gesture still rooted in Western society

Limits study
A dimension Donor
A sector specific
; essentially linked to large organizations
Whole areas are not studied here

2. The gift, a special logic

A triple bond (?)
Give - Receive - Make

In Kwakiutl potlatch (Franz Boas)
Trobriand Islands: the Kula (Malinowski)

, France philanthropic
(questionable statistics)
1,000,000 Associations (1,300 weekly), 1.8 million employees.
Approximately 13 million of French people over 15 years would see themselves as volunteers, producing an estimated work between 700,000 and 1,000,000 FTE
Donations collected (excluding premiums) in 2005: from 2.5 to 2.7 billion euros, or a gift average about 50 euros per contributor.
Friends of the Louvre: 60,000 friends and nearly 3 million each year to help the museum.

3. A hybrid system

Personal Enrichment
Contract rational
Link Social

"For a sustainable development of the gift"
On what is sustainable development generosity? (JM Destree, p. 3)

- a better understanding and consideration personal aspirations of donors.
- a greater transparency and management always more efficient and rigorous.
- improved capacity of NGOs to demonstrate the effectiveness of their actions. ("The day is near where NGOs can no longer be satisfied with the weight of their brand).
è marketing, evaluation and indicators ...

Marketing donation

"In terms of generosity, we are not in a saturated consumer market where brand new brand could grow at the expense of others." (15)
"Of the donations, it is clear that the tax benefits to donors benefit more than the recipient organizations. This is a serious lack of communication and widespread that it is urgent to correct " if you want to give 30 €, thanks to tax deductions, you can give 90 € or 120 € " rather than " if you donate € 30, it will cost you only 10 € or 7.5 €. ( Andrew Hochberg France generosity )

4. The generosity of the French

key figures in France donation
One French 25 shows today its annual blood
A family of 3 is still refusing the removal of organs from a deceased loved
A 7-French demonstrates a commitment to volunteering relatively regular
An outbreak taxable 4 shows regularly, check, bank transfer or Internet

Comparing American
- $ 300 Billion
- $ 1000 per capita
- ; $ 1,620 per contributor
France: 2.7 billion €
- ; 50 to 60 euros per contributor

oratorical precautions
The report "is based on information carefully collected source, most often intersected, possibly free from bias that we identify on our discipline and our collective experience as well. However, we are not sure of anything and we ask to listen and discuss, to enrich us and move forward "(5).

from the start: against the "law Coluche"
"Nearly 20 years later, it is time to take stock and find that the bonus awarded associations that work for people in difficulty, not only solves nothing, but mostly just creates an intolerable disparity to the detriment of associations [...] "(5)

Methodology (1)
All data are present?
Go through associations:
"We are very pleased with the confidence placed in us by our partners: they were 56 in 2006 and are 73 in 2007."

figures indisputable (?)
declarations of donations collected by Bercy
Extrapolations Public Access (detailed survey)

"We start from a certainty based on the amounts reported to the tax authorities. Taking into account the results of the survey GREGOR - Public Access, we believe that these amounts represent about 70% of donations made by check, bank transfer or Internet. It is these donations that can issue a tax receipt. The total amount of donations made this way will be obtained, according to a conventional rule of Three. "

Computing on the only taxes

Tsunami ... The effect did not persist ... or how to improve a graphic

The Catholic Church
A number of stable homes donors: 1,440,000

Methodology (2)
"The investigation [on the declarations of gifts or not] was performed April 15 to June 20, 2007, with a total of 2476 people in line for a hand and face to face with the participation of students (600 interviews), on the other. The operation was conducted using the quota method and the results reflect the composition of the French population, in terms of gender, age and occupational status. "

Donations and religious practices

Don average relative to incomes

More management
"You can imagine that these taxpayers [senior tranches] think only their comfort and are incapable of significant gestures of generosity, so we must make the assumption that the associations have not yet found the discourse that allows them to convince. This is certainly not in the form of calls to conventional gift. This could be by offering genuine development projects that speak to investors that they are generally . (26)

Don and age

Density and generosity of donors

Conclusions: challenge to the measure
The evolution of the donation is too low, the state takes care of everything
" Hundreds of millions of dollars lost each year tax incentive system?" (28) - A document produced by lobby group

"To summarize, the system tax is incomprehensible to ordinary donors, so there is no incentive. It is perceived as a tax savings when it should be presented as a bonus for the state to be more generous. It is unfair because it gives priority to assistance (meals, accommodation and care) for people in need, forgetting education activities in their favor, and by discriminating to the detriment of preventive actions. Actions that could lead to many specifically avoid falling into difficulties. " (32)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

If I Dvr A Show Does It Count Toward The Ratings


Americans for the Arts, 2005

William Baumol, 1966
Cultural services as services "mixed"
Contribution of glamor
contribution in trade: tourism, shopping, hotels, etc..
enable future generations to train and assess.

impact studies
How much does a cultural event in an economy Local? : Culture as an economic investment
studies in the late 1970s (Hendon: Economic Evaluation )
Port Authority, New Jersey, 1983.
very old logic: "Stop the footsteps of the traveler"

classic example (Bilbao)
An overall plan to revitalize the city.
Basque Contribution: 132 million ( 84 million construction 36 million purchase works 12 million loan works Gugg.)
Revenues of 1300 M, 18 times the construction costs.
965,000 visitors including 579,000 foreigners in 2005.
165 million of direct and indirect revenues in 2005.
4893 employees maintained in 2005 and 4361 jobs created since the center; unemployment from 14.5% in 1995 to 9.5% in 2005

A simple logic
- Direct benefits (user spending, grants, endowments)
- Indirect benefits (hotels, restaurants, shops ...)
- Profits induced (spending the first two recipients of benefits)

The principle benefits induced
The multiplier (Keynesian):
A consumption expenditure generates more demand than the initial expenditure
( è expenditure) è employment è income ( è expenditure) è employment è
income ...
analysis debatable

Avignon (1986)
Of conclusions to be handled with caution
Over 300 pages: a strong argument
little lesson in propaganda ...
Creed on: The economy is based on creativity
An efficient layout for fast
From a luxury to a necessary investment: demonstration

What concerns the public
Type Public spending
Total revenue generated by the arts industry and culture
The share of tourism in the audience
The cultural tourist , an investment that pays more ...
Calculate yourself the impact of your city!

  • method of investigation
  • categories included in the survey
organization survey self-administered, by email
Survey on the public (art patrons!) Self-administered

"It's good, you can be sure, but everyone does not agree, and anyway, you'll notice that many economists "!

The multiplier
The multiplier: a method challenged by improved
But where is the input-output matrix which has its calculation?
logic reasonable to consider different multipliers, depending on the cities
; approximations for the aggregation and evaluation of the multiplier (services)

levels of approximation (and potential errors)
Selection of the 156 cities and regions (representative?)
responses by email of organizations (12.6% to 86% response rate), consider themselves their total audience)
responses of the hearing to the questionnaire (100/66.000 = 0.15% or 820/1.686.000 = 0.04%): representative?
calculations multiplier
estimate for the entire hearing
Rating for all U.S.

What risks?
The main reason funding becomes economic performance is judged on this principle.
In case of deficit, the market rules are different from those of cultural organizations: the disappearance

Port Museum Douarnez
Douarnez, 17,000 inhab.
Opening in 1993 (1985)
Company mixed economy (city, NMR, etc.).
11M Construction
Receivership; resumed negotiations and failure è governance
; (Tobelem)