During the second semester, the course is scheduled on Friday from 15h in Room Crossbow.
After an initial presentation very interesting, I enclose the following list of presentations, as agreed date. Thank you for showing if you are not included (e) in this list, or if you are prevented (e) to continue the seminar.
The presentation lasts about an hour, projector PP is at your disposal if you wish. I want to hear speak all group members. The first document was handed to me consisted of some twenty pages, which seems like enough.
Attendance will be taken during some sessions, the final score will be in effect that the record and the briefing, but attendance is necessary for it to be validated. In case of non-attendance of the course a second job is required.
1. Week of February 21: Raymonde Moulin , "French model" , in The artist, the institution, the market Paris, Flammarion, 1992 87-245.
Thomas Bizien
Laura Tingaud
Hortense Perrasset
Cécile Guiot (added 13 January)
2. Week of February 28: Walter Pommerehnne and Bruno Frey , "theaters" and "the Salzburg Festival" , in culture has a price? , Paris, Plon, 1993 55-92.
Kawla Abed
Juliet Hakhius
Olivia Bouf
Emilie Barneff
3. Week of March 7: William Grampp, "Art museums " Pricing in The priceless , New York , Basik books, 1989, p. 166-204.
4. Week of March 14: Jacques Rigaud , Considering the possibility for operators to dispose of public works in their collections , January 2008. Report available on the Internet.
Laureline urchin
Estelle Almeida
Nathanel Poli
Melina Guerin
5. Week of March 21: Marcel Mauss , The Gift [1923], Paris, PUF, 2007.
Claire Charles (withdraws)
Alla Zarovah (withdraws)
Sophie Blanchard
6. Week of March 28: Jacques Godbout, Alain Caillé , The spirit of giving , Paris, La Découverte , 1992.
Clothilde Seibel
Morgan Elineau
Anja Bijelic
7. Week of April 4: Françoise Benhamou , Economics Star System, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2002.
Julie Ferrand
Camille Montin
Sarah Dafni Kotis
Nina The Bahl
8. Week of April 11: Unesco , Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Identities , 2005. Document available on the Internet.
Emeline Botreau
Margaux Heuacker
Fadila Gorm
Marino Legoff
9. Week of April 25: Chris Anderson, The Long Tail , Paris, Pearson, 2009.
Kilian Tesseire
Clement Blondel
Alizee Christian
Laurence Martin
10. Week of May 2: National Assembly , ACT No. 2009-669 of 12 June 2009 to promote the dissemination and protection of creation on the Internet .
Nerlande Bazelais
Lucile Oury
Martin Bobel
11. Week of May 9: Frédéric Martel , Mainstream , Paris, Flammarion, 2010.
Anais Devallan (withdraws)
Charlotte Gonzalez-Mazo
Juliet Scherer
Laura Trocmé
Sonia Viaz
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