A psalm is a poetic prayer of the Bible, composed of several verses. Most of the Psalms were combined, most likely for the Jewish liturgical use First, Christian also later in the book of Psalms. King David himself, in the early tenth century BCE, would have written a number.
Singing of Psalms is set to the rhythm of which represent eight hours of prayer meetings in 24 hours. According to theorists of the Middle Ages, the science of numbers as the harmonious spirit in the divine principles, and the music is itself a science, it must obey these precepts.
The word comes from ancient Greek ψαλμός (Psalmos) which means a tune played on the harp. It was used in the Septuagint to translate Hebrew mizmor, which denotes a religious song with music.
Among Veterans, a hymn (nm) is a song, poem in praise of gods or heroes, often associated with religious ritual. In the Catholic liturgy, a hymn (nf) is a religious poem, which is sung, especially during the Divine Office. Hymns are designated by their first words in Latin - A solis ortus, Pange lingua, Veni Creator, etc. They gave rise to musical compositions intended to accompany the verses, especially the organ.
Praise is a music style that describes the song used to praise and worship God in churches.
Singing of Psalms is set to the rhythm of which represent eight hours of prayer meetings in 24 hours. According to theorists of the Middle Ages, the science of numbers as the harmonious spirit in the divine principles, and the music is itself a science, it must obey these precepts.
The word comes from ancient Greek ψαλμός (Psalmos) which means a tune played on the harp. It was used in the Septuagint to translate Hebrew mizmor, which denotes a religious song with music.
Among Veterans, a hymn (nm) is a song, poem in praise of gods or heroes, often associated with religious ritual. In the Catholic liturgy, a hymn (nf) is a religious poem, which is sung, especially during the Divine Office. Hymns are designated by their first words in Latin - A solis ortus, Pange lingua, Veni Creator, etc. They gave rise to musical compositions intended to accompany the verses, especially the organ.
Praise is a music style that describes the song used to praise and worship God in churches.
In Greek literature, an ode is a lyric poem set to music. By extension, an ode is a poem celebrating a character or event. In the early twentieth century saw a revival of the genre in the writings of Claudel, in Five Great Odes, a book which opens the way for modern poetry.
(From Wikipedia)
Each day, the Church praises God from the Liturgy of the Hours, which consists of prayers, hymns, psalms and Bible readings. The Church praises his Creator for everything he did. And creation is of course included in this beautiful prayer ... To learn more about the Liturgy of the Hours, you can visit www.prieravecleglise.fr where you can see the Divine Office the day.
The Divine Office consists of prayers and readings planned for a special celebration. It is divided into seven offices established by the canons of the Catholic Church Roman. Hours are called the big three agencies most solemn liturgy, that is to say Matins, Vespers and Compline. The wee hours are the four offices of the shortest day: prime, tierce, sext and none.
The Office may be sung (by the monks and nuns), or recited (by the secular clergy and religious).
The Office may be sung (by the monks and nuns), or recited (by the secular clergy and religious).
It consists of two parts: the ordinary, which is the fixed part, the characteristic, which varies depending on location and time (psalms, hymns, prayers).
In common parlance, the term refers to any act of worship ceremonies (eg the Office funeral), or simply mass.
Source: "http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_divin"
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