Saturday, August 5, 2006

Marriage Invitations Kavithai In Tamil

Lord open my lips ...

And my mouth will declare your praise. It opens the first office the day of the Liturgy of the Hours, Song perpetual our Creator God.

Liturgy of the Hours is a prayer of praise to the Father of son

"In praise of hours offered to God, the Church joins the divine song of praise sung for all eternity in heaven together She receives a foretaste of heavenly praise, described by St. John in the Apocalypse ... This heavenly liturgy, the prophets were contemplated in advance in the victory of the day without night, darkness without light: "You will not like the sun light during the day, the moonlight will shine no more, but the Lord will be your everlasting light" (Isaiah 60, 19; cf. Apocalypse 21, 23.35) ... "The renewal of the world is irrevocably and in all reality, anticipated now" (Lumen Gentium No. 48). Thus, by faith we are taught even the meaning of our temporal life, to live with all creation, waiting for the manifestation of God's son. In the Liturgy of the Hours, we proclaim this faith, we express this hope and infants, we participate somehow the joy of everlasting praise the day that knows no sunset. "(PGLH, No. 16)

Beyond the cry:" God, come to my aid! "which opens by Hours of prayer, beyond the intercessions and psalms of supplication, the most important feature and the primary function of the Prayer of the Church is to worship God from morning to evening: Praise to God the Creator, that remind us of the hours; praise to God the Redeemer in His Son who enlightens us beyond our darkness, praise to God "unfading Light" in anticipation of late. Indeed, the first Office the day does he not name "Lauds"? That means "praise" which expresses the filial par excellence, the attitude of the creature turned to its creator.
"Your desire is thy prayers. If your desire is continual, your prayer is also continuous. If you do not want to stop praying, do not cease to desire. Your desire will be your constant voice continual . You will fall in silence if you let your love back. Cooling of love is the silence of the heart. The flame of love is the cry of the heart. If love remains ever constantly as you scream. If you scream incessantly, unceasingly as and if you want you want, you pray. "- Saint Augustine


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