Sunday, August 6, 2006

Logitech Mouse M205 Quick Start Guide

Song of three children

Hymn of the Universe

Thanksgiving / Creator God / the One
AT 41 Dn 3, 57-88.56

All works of the Lord, bless the Lord:

To him be highest glory and praise for ever! You
, angels of the Lord, bless the Lord:

To him be highest glory and praise for ever!

You, the heavens, bless the Lord,
and you waters above the heavens, bless the Lord,
and all the powers of the Lord, bless the Lord!

And you, the sun and moon, bless ye the Lord, and you
, the stars of heaven, Bless the Lord, all you
, rain and dew, bless ye the Lord!

all ye breezes and winds, bless ye the Lord, and you
, fire and heat, bless ye the Lord, and you
, fresh and cold, bless ye the Lord!

And you, frost and dew, bless ye the Lord, and you
, freezing and cold, bless ye the Lord, and you
, ice and snow, bless ye the Lord!

And you, the nights and days, bless ye the Lord, and you
, light and darkness, bless ye the Lord, and you
, lightning, clouds, bless the Lord:

To him be highest glory and praise for ever!
Let the earth bless the Lord:
To him be highest glory and praise for ever!

you, O mountains and hills, bless ye the Lord, and you
, plants of the earth, bless ye the Lord, and you
, springs and fountains, bless the Lord!

you, oceans and rivers, bless the Lord,
whales and sea creatures, bless the Lord, all you
, birds in the sky, bless the Lord, all you
, deer and cattle, bless ye the Lord:

To him be highest glory and praise for ever!

And you, children of men, bless ye the Lord:

To him be highest glory and praise for ever!
You, Israel, bless the Lord!

And you, priests, bless the Lord,
you his servants, bless the Lord!
minds and souls of the righteous, bless ye the Lord,
the holy and humble of heart, bless ye the Lord,

Anias, Azariah and Mishael, bless the Lord
To him be highest glory and praise for ever!
bless the Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
To him be highest glory and praise for ever!

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the firmament of heaven:

To you be highest glory and praise forever!


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