Sunday, December 5, 2010

Best Camcorder Under 300

list of topics to present during the second half

During the second part of the seminar, from the month of February, Students prepare group (four students, max. five if all groups are full), folder (15 to 40 pages) and present it orally (with all necessary materials), for about an hour, other group members. The list of topics is given below.

It will, for each document (book, article, bill, report) to present the authors and actors, to critically analyze the document (background, context, structure, arguments used, type of approach, etc..) and, if applicable. the further development of the record.

The order of topics corresponds to that of trips during the semester.

It is likely that the course is no longer given on Monday.

1. Week of February 14: Natalie Heinich , Glory Van Gogh , Paris, Editions de Minuit, 1991.
2. Week February 21, Raymonde Moulin , "French model", in The artist, the institution, the market , Paris, Flammarion, 1992 87-245.
3. Week of February 28: Walter Pommerehnne and Bruno Frey , "theaters" and "the Salzburg Festival," in culture has a price? , Paris, Plon, 1993 55-92.
4. Week of March 7: William Grampp , "Art Museums", in The priceless Pricing, New York , Basik books, 1989, p. 166-204.
5. Week of March 14: Jacques Rigaud , Reflection on the possibility public operators to dispose of works from their collections , January 2008. Report available on the Internet.
6. Week of March 21: Marcel Mauss , The Gift [1923], Paris, PUF, 2007.
7. Week of March 28: Jacques Godbout Alain Caillé , The spirit of giving , Paris, La Découverte , 1992.
8. Week of April 4: Françoise Benhamou , Economics Star System, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2002.
9. Week of April 11: Unesco , Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Identities , 2005. Document available on the Internet.
10. Week of April 25: Chris Anderson , The Long Tail , Paris, Pearson, 2009.
11. Week of May 2: National Assembly , ACT No. 2009-669 of 12 June 2009 to promote the dissemination and protection of creation on the Internet.
12. Week May 9: Frédéric Martel , Mainstream , Paris, Flammarion, 2010.

All students must be enrolled in one of the groups.

Once a group has been formed, one of its representatives will send me an email to specify the desired subject and the constitution of the group. I acknowledge receipt and validate the list according to the order of sending.

The list must be closed before the end of first semester.


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