good weekend of 14-15 February!
Well yes ... we were in weekend clan 14 and 15 February. The theme of this weekend being the service, our task was to help owners of the castle Bardin to clean their land with some trees have not withstood the storm.
time, very pleasant though cold, has enabled us to give back to follow the pace set by the artists of the saw ... it's good to cut but we also store!
A small football and a great meal we have to decompress on Saturday evening, and before going to bed in the straw, the great leader we (re) made a guidebook on personal service and service-clan:
They must be regular and should be done even if that does moderately as we please.
They are very important
So I think the message was: "It is imperative to find a service clan.
Sunday morning was more conventional (pti breakfast time road, Mass, lunch). The topic of the hour road: the gospel of the day (the leper) seemed interesting for everyone if some passion. The bake sale planned did not happen because of what we call a communication problem. Lunch was then seen with a few fabulous cakes.
The service was resumed on Sunday afternoon was done with the help of beavers. A good team of 17 scouts, therefore, to clean the driveway of the castle and make a bonfire. All followed by a taste for football + good ending. We will retain
I think the quality of stewardship as the ordinary that the extraordinary speed of a chainsaw wielded well (useful for camp ... has to do with the scouts Carrick !)...
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