Monday, April 27, 2009
People Who Take Long Showers
Dear all,
As you know, Jean-Gabriel Cutter left the clan. In fact, the journal of the clan who had already struggling to seem, appear even less easily. So I ask those who can send me by mail any items to post on the site of the clan. I'll try to keep it alive, to put items on the agenda, etc..
Thank you in advance, Thibaud
Saturday, April 4, 2009
How Long Erytromycin Take To Work
A new text for meditation, about the courtesy and chivalrous spirit of Scouting and of course the road. It illuminates these two virtues that are, I think, misunderstood. Always the same author as the texts of meditation 'before. Enjoy your reading and meditation.
"It's also nice to peel potatoes for the love of God to build a cathedral," said Guy de Larigaudie. The manner of giving is often the nature of the gift.
No chivalry for example without courtesy that is his sidekick obliged, like the smile of joy is the Christian ritual nature of our charity and our humility.
Selflessness in small moments - give way to older, give way, to offer services, meet women and girls has ...- to give themselves on great occasions. The heroic little choices each day promotes choice of a lifetime.
The military virtue of the knight, ready to sacrifice his life for that and those he loves, is like the ultimate fulfillment of this morality of love in the Middle Ages what was courtesy.
When love abandons the moral life is like leaving a body: it remains only a disjointed body of morality, a code absurd false etiquette. As useless an artificial laugh ...
If the courtesy is not driven by love and respect for others, it quickly becomes pure convention and turns into self-righteousness. Do not conclude so far that we should be discourteous or abstain polite around you when you strongly dislike! On the contrary. Want to pray for if it is already praying, thought Pascal (who advised the first swinger to kneel), "want to love, love it already," said Father Foucauld.
And the gospel asks us to love those who specifically do not like us or that we do not spontaneously: "If you greet only your brothers, what do you more? Pagans themselves do not they do the same? "(Matthew 5.47)
Scout is friend to all ...: your courtesy to an" adversary "will be more beautiful, the sign of your commitment to charity. It is intended above all to measure the beauty of an action.
"The remedy to love is to love more" (Marie-Noel)
That is also the spirit of chivalry: estimating his enemy, or by a mark of respect, remind the tramp of the street or sidewalk wife buried their dignity. The courtesy of being polite is not only good and beautiful! Or it looks like the vulgarity ...